Ella, Congrats on your first FMS performance! Love, Mom & Dad
Love, Love, Love to Shaina, our awesome Baby Turtle! Mema and Papa
To the Cast, Crew, and Pit, Flap a fin! From the Fields
Proud of our baby Turtle Shaina! Love, Jarred, Zach, Mom, Dad!
I am proud to have a great granddaughter like you! Zaide
Roman, Best wishes to my fellow actor! -- Joey Tribbiani
Dunder Mifflin congratulates the cast of the Little Mermaid!
We love our Prince! Thank U Mrs. M& Mrs. B for all you do! :)
Ryan, We are proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad
Good luck to all of the Maids.
Congratulations to all the cast and crew!
Ester - We are so proud of you. Keep swimming! Love, Mom & Dad
Nelson, The best Sailor EVER! Love, Mom, Dad, Nate, Noah & Abuela
Caitlyn, We love you & we are so proud of you! Love, M, D, B & S
Lauren, So proud of your hard work. Have fun! Love, Mom & Dad
Jack - Way to play that sax! Love, Mom & Dad
Kayley, You make a great Gull! We love you! Mom and Dad
Ethan, You will always be the biggest star in our hearts! We ♥ U
Bella - Don’t forget the cheese and crackers. Wallace, Bryce & Eric
Chef Bella, Good luck cracking the crabs. Love, Mom, Grammy & Paul
Bells - Shake a tail feather & break a wing! Love - The Gartley’s
Break a leg, GS Troops 95102 & 95105 -- So proud!
David - We’re so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Brian
David, You always light up a room - and now the stage! Nana + Pa
Great job, David! Love, Grandma Izzy
Char Char, Wishing U no cold fins! Love, Mom
Char: Enjoy the stage- Sing out and smile! Wish I were there! Love, G’Ma
Break a leg, Josie! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad
Josie, Love you up on that stage! Love the whole Gulisano Fam!
Clean your little heart out Josie! Love, J, J, J and J!
Campbell- Never stop building and creating kiddo! We love U!
Daddy - Thanks for the awesome shark! You’re the bomb diggity!
NJ, We love you! Owen, Ry, and Nate
Great job Will! Love, Mom & Dad
Break a leg, Sofia! Love, Mom & Dad
You are a great sister! Love, Ben Sofia ROCKS!
We are very proud of you! Love Grandma Sparkles Maria
Jessica, We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Jillian, & Bella
Jessica, Have fun & always follow your dreams- Mom & Dad
Brava Anna! Have a great time onstage & sing your heart out!
We love you Anna Banana! Love, Dad, Mom, Ben, Grandma & Aunt Sue
Congrats students! You were amazing! FMS Administration
Congrats staff! Another great production! FMS Administration