Hershel Holiday
as Chairman/William Cartwright
Hershel is excited to be performing his last main-stage show here at Freedom Theatre. This is his tenth main-stage production and his thirteenth FHS production. President of ITS and avid Cappie Member, Hershel has dedicated an illustrious four years to this department and seeks to continue his theater education at Yale University in fall of 2014. Enjoy the show! BOOLA BOOLA!
Emma Johnson
as Stage Manager/Joyce Throttle
Emma is a small town girl, living in a mad world. She is fabulously thrilled to participant in this grand old show that Freedom hath conceived from the naught of a whisper. She has been told that she is the cat's pajamas, which doesn't truly go with her character. She thanks her parents for all their support.
Jake Barber
as John Jasper/Clive Paget
Jake is a Senior, and has been involved in Theatre since his Freshman year. This will be his fifteenth production and his twelfth on the main-stage. He would like to thank his family for their support, Mr. Rogers for the opportunities he's been given, and Jim van Slyke, both for keeping him sane, and for always motivating him to be the best artist he can be (sometimes politely).
Shelly Walsh
as Edwin Drood/Alice Nutting
From Muz to Carlotta to Edwin Drood himself, Shelly Walsh performs in her 18th show on the FHS Stage. She wants to wish her theater family yet another break a leg, and thank them for the last four years! She wants to thank her incredible voice teacher, Jim Van Slyke, her director, Mr. Rogers, and the incredible Courtney Leipertz, without whom this show wouldn't have been possible. She cannot wait to continue her Musical Theater Education for the next four years at college. Love to her family! Enjoy the show! Goodbye All!