Bright Star - April 22 - April 26, 2021

Franklin County High School


I always struggle with acknowledgements because I have a true fear of leaving someone out.  But it is important to me to show gratitude to those who have been such a help to our program and show. If I have left you out, please forgive me.


Marth Welch, thank you for your continued support and all of the donations and items you allow us to use.


Clark Gaines, thank you for filming and taking photos! I appreciate your eagerness to always lend a hand.


To the local companies and people in the community that have supported us financially.  Thank you.  Without you we couldn't do what we do.


To the teachers and administration at FCHS, thank you for making us feel important and for supporting these students in something for which they have a passion.


To my counterparts, McClain and Sampson, you guys are like a lifeline.  I could go on and on about what you do, but just know our program is what it is because of your support.


Cary Turner, I am so thankful you didn't "graduate" when your kids did! I still rely on you and am so thankful you are good with that :)


Brandi Woodward, thank you for stepping in a number of years ago and becoming my "go to" person.


Thank you to all of the parents of my cast and crew.  You make my life easier! I am thankful for your trust and for the support that you show your child.


Thank you to our Superintendant and to the FC Board for your continued support of what we do and our students.  


Thank you to the welding and construction classes on helping us with a few of our small projects for the show.


Thank you to our Tech Theatre class for building such a great set and for your work ethic!


To my husband and children, thank you for understanding my passion for theatre and for this program.  Without that, I would not be able to be the director and teacher I need to be for these students.


Thank you to my momma and daddy for always teaching me to work hard and for helping to mold my creative brain along with my analytical side of thinking.  Without you as parents, I would, in NO WAY, be where I am today.  Momma, thank you for your love and support and for hauling me all over the place growing up to provide me with so many opportunities. This show is in honor of you.  Daddy, I will miss you EVERY day.  I will miss the "out of the box" ideas you always had for our program and shows.  And yes, I tried to find a way to do them most of the time because I was a daddy's girl.  This production is dedicated to you.  You would have said, "I believe this was my favorite."

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