Into the Woods - April 28 - May 01, 2016

Franklin County High School


There are tons of people "behind the scenes" that make a show successful!  


I want to thank Valicia Miller and Kathy Faust for creating the costumes!  They both volunteered their time and made some amazing costumes for this production!  


I also want to thank my mom, Peggy Moon, for volunteering to get our wigs together. She took time out of her busy schedule to create and style some great hair!


Our sweet little Milky White was made by Cary Turner for FCP when the production was performed a number of years back.  Thank you to FCP for allowing us to use it!


I want to thank my Technical Theatre class for their dedication to building and creating the set for our production. They are wonderful!


More often than not I depend on our FCHS Construction for building platform type set pieces.  Thank you, Tim Cawthon, for being so dependable and so quick to build for us!


Thank you to Ayer's Auto Glass and Repair for donating the money for our programs.


Obviously, no show would be possible without the support of the parents of the students.  Thank you for supporting our schedule and your actor/actress/techie!


I want to say a huge "thank you" to our administration and staff for their support. FCHS is lucky to have you and our drama department is thankful for you!


I always feel certain I am leaving someone out when I give specific "thank you's"  If I have left you out, I'm sorry, but please know we appreciate you! (And you might get a verbal shout out) :)


And finally, thank YOU- our audience- for attending!


Charity Moon Henry

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