Anything Goes (Revised 1962) - April 03 - April 06, 2014

Franklin County High

 Who's Who 

  • Nate Terifay head shot

    Nate Terifay

    as Captain

    Nate Terifay is 17 years old and in the 11th grade. Nate wants to study to be a respiratory therapist and his hobbies include playing music, writing and being a bum.

  • Austin St. Clair head shot

    Austin St. Clair

    as Cameraman

    Austin St. Clair is a 17 year old Junior at FCHS. Joining the Drama Club was honestly the best thing that he could have done in high school! He has made so many friends and learned a lot from Jennifer! He has had no acting experience before joining and now wants to pursue acting! He wants to thank Jennifer, Mariah, and Michelle for being there for him.

  • Brandon Hodges head shot

    Brandon Hodges

    as Reporter (Charlie)

    Brandon Hodges is a junior at the Franklin County High School that likes to listen to music on his free time and likes to hangout with his friends anytime that he gets, when he graduates he wants to study to become a radiology technician.

  • Michelle Manning head shot

    Michelle Manning

    as Virtue (Angel)

    Michelle Manning is a 17 year old Junior at FCHS and has the honor of adding her role as Virtue to her resume. She has played Cinderella in Into the Woods and Tracy in Hairspray. This is her 3rd year in Drama club at the high school and is excited to continue on in all aspects of theatre, singing and dancing. She would like to give thanks to God, her family and friends for all of their support.

  • Sarah Ellis head shot

    Sarah Ellis

    as Charity (Angel)

    Sarah Ellis is a freshmen at FCHS. She would like to give thanks to God for getting her where she is and for blessing her unconditionally. She would also like to give thanks to her Parents,her sister Rachael and Michelle for always encouraging her. Sarah is also grateful to Jennifer Young, and Beth Simmons for their work with her, and for seeing her potential.

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