Anything Goes (Revised 1962) - April 03 - April 06, 2014

Franklin County High

 Who's Who 

  • Colleen Ernandes head shot

    Colleen Ernandes

    as Bonnie

    Colleen Ernandes is a freshman this year at FCHS. She has been in plays before, but this is her first large production. She would like to thank all her fellow cast members, the crew, and Jennifer Young for making all of this possible, and will definitely be back next year.

  • Hannah Wiggonton head shot

    Hannah Wiggonton

    as Mrs. Wadsworth T. Harcourt

    Hannah Wiggonton is a 15 year old sophomore. She was Annie in FCHS's production of "Annie" in 2009 and has been in other productions with her musical theater class at BRPAA. She thanks the entire cast and crew, Jennifer Young, and Fair Robey for all their hard work. She looks forward to future years in drama.

  • Sam Kinsey head shot

    Sam Kinsey

    as Elisha J. Whitney

    Sam Kinsey plays Whitney. He is 18 years old and in the 12th grade. He has gotten arrested four times for attempting to rob the same store. He has also for attempted murder with a spoon. Sam is a sociopath with a long history of violence.

  • David Arellano head shot

    David Arellano

    as Purser

    David Arellano is a 16 year old Junior. This is his first year in the drama club. He would like to thank Jennifer Young, Fair Robey, the crew and actors for all the fun times he has had playing the Purser in the production.

  • Logan Keatts head shot

    Logan Keatts

    as Bishop (Henry T. Dobson)

    Logan Keatts, 18, is a senior at FCHS. Technically his second time participating in drama club, but the first time being on stage. He enjoys singing in many languages such as Japanese, Korean, and of course English. Logan sends many thanks to all who have supported him through high school and also those who have put up with him all the same.

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