Anything Goes (Revised 1962) - April 03 - April 06, 2014

Franklin County High

 Director Notes 

Over the past five years I’ve been blessed to have been able to enjoy the privilege of directing the musicals here at Franklin County High School. Our students here have accomplished a number of amazing musicals during this time. This play holds a special place in my heart as I grew up singing these songs with my dad who is now departed. I am so lucky to have my mother still here with me loving and supporting me with everything I do.


We have definitely had our challenges this year with one of our biggest being the fact that weather conditions in our area have kept us from rehearsing. With everyone’s different schedule it was very difficult to try and make up those rehearsals. We stand here before you today knowing that we might not be ready for Broadway, however “the show must go on” as Mr. Atkins would say. We have really worked very hard and hope that you will see all of the hard work that has been done to entertain you today.


Another challenge we had this year was losing our pianist and music director Derek Shorter. Saving the day was our beloved Fair Robey who has been amazing to work with and has worked very hard putting a live band and conductor in place as we were literally without any musicians. The sophisticated Cole Porter score is very challenging and if it were not for Fair Robey, Jim Bateman and the band members that volunteered their time, the show would have come to a halt. Thank you all so much for being a part of this show. You will always be remembered by each and every one of us.


The wonderful set you see today was constructed and brought to life with the help of Rodney Frith, Stephen King and Megan Hope. The set looks amazing and just how I wanted it to look. Rodney is not a drama parent but a local builder as well as a dear friend. This is his second year helping us with the set and I am so glad he agreed to help us. He is truly amazing! Stephen King is the father of Kaitlin King and just pitched in and helped up determine how the set would work on stage and also helped in some of the construction. Thank you so much for your expertise! Megan did not realize what she was getting herself into. She is a teacher here at the high school and just said “I’ll help” and of course she then realized what an undertaking it was. Like a pro, she came in, took notes of what I wanted to see and the rest is history. This was her first production with the high school and I must say that for someone who has never done this before, she fit in like she has been doing it all her life. She was amazing!!


Theatre is a collaborative effort. It takes commitment and long hours of hard work from many different people. The cast and ensemble members have been especially dedicated this year trying to learn their music and lines and develop their characters. It has been challenging but so rewarding watching each one take their character and develop it over the past few months. I am so proud of each and every one of you and know that even though at times you just wanted to throw your books at me, there were also times that we had special moments together of laughter and joy. Don’t ever forget those times as they will remain with you for the rest of your life. You are all very dear to my heart and forever will be.


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