Ella Frederickson
as Maisie
Ella Frederickson (Maisie) is a sophomore. She’s so thrilled to bring something new and different to the stage this year. Her previous experiences include “Beauty and the Beast” as Ensemble and Babette Understudy, “Cinderella” as Cinderella, “The Actor’s Nightmare” as Danni. She would like to thank her family, teachers, coaches, and peers for their constant encouragement.
Mckayla Naiman
as Dulcie
McKayla Naiman (Dulcie) is a senior, and has been in other shows, but this is her first year taking the stage as one of the primary roles. She is so thrilled to be part of such an amazing cast and would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her, but most importantly she would like to give a big thank you to Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Duncan for all of their help.
Tiffany Satcher
as Fay
Tiffany Satcher (Fay) is a freshman here at Franklin Academy. She would like to thank her family and friends for all the support they give to her all the time! She would also like to thank her fellow actors for pushing her to be her best and helping with her goals!
Amber Winterton
as Nancy
Amber Winterton (Nancy) is thrilled to be in her third musical here at FA. Last year she played as the Understudy Cogsworth in “Beauty and the Beast”, and the year before as Ensemble for “Hello! My Baby”. She would like to thank Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Maxwell for making her experience so magical. She would also like to thank her friends, and her parents who have been more than supportive and loving from day one.