Cinderella's Slipper ($1,000)
Seth Mann 2nd Home
Milky White ($250)
Michelle Ohlson
Baker's Bread ($100)
Rich & Carol Wallace
Marissa & Scott Cohen
Julie Madden
Joy & Richard Tardiff
Jason Robicheau
Jack's Beans ($50)
Donna Quinlan
The Schulers
Holly Boltz
Melissa Shea
SHOUT OUTS to the Cast and Crew
- Best wishes to the cast and crew ! Break a leg! Looking forward to
another amazing show! ~ Donna Quinlan
- Sending love and best wishes to my granddaughter Rachel
love Nonna
- Best Wishes to an amazing cast and crew! Love you all!
~ Carol & Rich Wallace
- Jeff and Laura Lee, Thanks for all your hard work!
~ Carol & Rich Wallace
- Congratulations to the incredible Cast and Crew of "Into the Woods"!
Thank you for sharing your talent with all us and the many laughs at
rehearsal ~ Marissa Cohen
- A huge shout out to Cody, cast and crew to break legs! ~ Julie Madden
- We are so very proud of you Cody! You're an amazing talent and all-
around nice guy! Your family loves you big time! ~ Julie Madden
- To the cast and crew, you are going to be awesome! ~ Roberto Moran
- You are awesome, Rachel!!! We love you!
<3 Belle, Lillian, and Tyler
- Looking forward to the show. Proud of all of you, SamLucioNicJim!
- Liz, we couldn’t be prouder of you honey! Love Mommy,Daddy, Olivia,
Frank and our fur babies ~ Liz Cook
- Break a leg, Aaron! Much love ~ Lisa