Rent - August 11 - August 13, 2023

First Congregational Church, UCC


Since its inception in 2015, the Summer Theater program at the First Congregational Church has “wowed” audiences. Indicated not only by the thunderous applause at the end of each performance, but also by the countless cards and emails sent to me once the stage goes dark. Most commenting on the level of talent within our, at the time, very young cast, but also of folks telling stories of their first time seeing the show on Broadway and how our productions transported them back to that special time and place. It became obvious to me very quickly that not only was the program meeting a need for our performers, but also meeting a need for our audiences who truly understand the importance of music and the performing arts within the community, at the local level, and the impact it has on people’s lives.


This year we have chosen a musical that was an important piece for the communities that suffered with AIDS, bringing to light the real-life struggles of folks with the deadly disease, and although AIDS is not as much in the forefront now as it was then, people are still contracting HIV and are still dying from AIDS. Perhaps you know of someone.


There is another aspect that is very much front and center in our society right now. Those folks that are marginalized in the LGBTQIA+ communities. Those folks whose basic rights are being questioned. Those folks many of whom are in our cast. The First Congregational Church of Randolph, being “boundless in our welcome and hospitality,” is able to provide a safe space for all.


I’m sure you have heard it before,” this is the best cast I have ever worked with!” and perhaps it was. There is something truly special about this group. Be it their understanding of the importance of this piece and their willingness to perform in a church, their ability to collaborate or to just love on each other. It has been an absolute pleasure working with them.


Oh and did I mention the level and the quality of talent.

You are about to be blown away!


Thank you for supporting this ministry and please enjoy the show!


Jeff Hobart





A rock musical based loosely on an opera which was based on a book, Jonathan Larsen’s RENT is a celebration of movement away from societal norms and expectations. And as the pastor serving First Congregational Church, UCC, I couldn’t be happier that we are sharing this show with all of you. 


We live in a world where communities represented in RENT are being cast further and further to the margins of society... many times for nothing more than who they have been created to be. 


This production of RENT is an opportunity for us to show the world what it looks like to follow the one who began a movement away from societal and religious norms and expectations over two centuries ago. In addition, this production is our opportunity to let those within these oppressed and marginalized communiteis know that they are loved, they are valid, and they are worthy. 


On behalf of those communities, I want to thank you for supporting this show and all who have invested their time in it. Because of you, we are changing lives.


I especially want to thank our Director, Jeff Hobart for giving life to the dream of creating this experience, and along with this phenomenal cast and crew, bringing RENT to you! Our community is incredibly lucky to have such talent in our midst. 


Blessings to you all! I hope you enjoy the show.


Rev. Timoth Sylvia


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