Alyssa Becksfort*
as Catherine
has been in the musical program since 7th grade. She was sound manager/assistant until her junior year, when she joined cast for Shrek the Musical and stayed. Her favorite memories of the musical program are the cast party and the ensemble dancing numbers from Shrek. She wants to thank Mr. Shafer for his dedication, and her family for their endless support! She has loved the musical program, and hopes you love the show!
D'Asia Feaster
as Caroline
is a Finneytown senior. She has been doing musicals since her 7th grade year at Finneytown. Her role this year was Caroline. She also performed Shrek her 11th grade year as “Donkey.” She is proud to have spent her last high school year with Mr. Shafer, Mr. Smith , cast and crew and making friends throughout her years of musicals.
Jenna Koopman
as Oli
is a senior at Finneytown this year. She enjoys singing, acting, and film making. She has thoroughly enjoyed being in the musical theatre program for the past three years. She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting her, and Mr. Shafer for helping to put on some amazing shows. Jenna will be attending the University of Cincinnati’s Lindner School of Business.
Kathryn Espinoza*
as Mike
is 17 years old and a senior at Finneytown High School. She has been acting for three years. She performed as an ensemble member in Guys and Dolls, Jr. and Shrek the Musical as well as Mike in The Theory of Relativity. Next year, she plans to attend the University of Cincinnati to major in Social Work and continue her passion for acting.