This production of Mamma Mia! would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of so many volunteers, students and teachers. After having to cancel this production back in 2020, we are delighted to finally see this come to life on the stage! To our original cast, crew and band members, we would like to acknowledge all your efforts and the memories we made and to let you know that you helped shape our experiences and our love of musical theatre. If you are in attendance, we hope we have made you proud.
Our cast and crew would like to extend our thanks to the following people:
Jenna Oldford and Declan Tibbs for your help with choreography.
Ivan and Dianne Ball from the Paint Shop for your donation of paint for our set.
Ms. Paula Janes and Mrs. Anna Russell for your supervision help on paint nights and to Paula for taking care of our clothing orders.
Jeff Barry for capturing our memories year after year.
Sarah Gruchy for designing our poster/program cover.
Emma Jenkins and Chloe O'Keefe for their work on designing and preparing/painting the set, along with all the painters; Marlo Ruddigkeit, Josh Haymen, Nick Hayden, and Noah MacKinnon.
Our School administration for your continuing support.
Lori Cox for helping with our finances.
Sean Cooper, for being so accommodating and welcoming us to the center
Greg Lewis for always making us sound great.
Nathan Downey for shining your light.
Rick Terry for wiring us up.
The staff and support team at the Gordon Pinsent Centre of the Arts.
Members of the band, for the beautiful music.
Northcliffe Drama Club for their use of their set items.
Queen Street Dinner Theatre for the use of their costumes.
To the families and host families for supporting your children in this adventure, and bringing them to all their rehearsals.
Alex Anstey and the costume team for putting together our costume slideshow.
Everyone in the backstage crew (Sophia Lewis, Emma Caravan, Chelsea Haggett, Caroline Ducey, Holly Brenton, Olivia Milley, Logan Dove, Ross Whiffin, Alex Anstey, Hannah Hemeon, Kaitlyn Hemeon and Mr. Chad Oldford.)
Ethan Roberts for helping to move our set to the center.
All of our wonderful cast member who gave up so much of your time, and brought all of your energy and love for theatre to every practice!
To the graduates, you will be missed!
To anyone who we may have missed, we appreciate you all.