Our Fine Arts Boosters (Donors)
Sally Ward
Opal Gagliardo
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Cartales
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Daley
Anna & James Incledon
Dr. Jose R. Venegas
($500 + )
Dr. Greg & Leendah Adaka
Hanna Boisselle
Dellutri Law Group
Tom & Carol Goodlet
Donna Ann Mullen
The Staff & Administration of ECS for their assistance and support
Parents of ECS Performing Arts students for continual encouragement and support
Lynn Burdette, for contributions and encouraging support of ECS Fine Arts
Coach Gold, Coach Guttery & the Phsical Education Staff for allowing us "quiet" use of the gym
Tom Matilla & the ECS maintenance Team
Elsa Marshall-Patterson for the donation of beautiful fabric to make beautiful costumes.
Randy Klinck & Germain Arena for loan of stage decking.
Jim Griffith & The Sydney and Berne Davis Art Center for the donation of backdrops.
Florida Frontiersmen for loaning the Townspeople a wooden cart.
- More than 16 Visual and Performing Arts classes for students in grades 5 through 12.
- Private music instruction for 17 instruments and voice.
- String instrument classes for students as young as 3rd grade.
- Wind instrument classes for students as young at 4th grade.
- Honors classes in Theatre, Music and Visual Arts.
- Educational field trips to theatres, museums and Walt Disney Performing and Visual Arts workshops.
- Annual performance/competition opportunities with the Florida Vocal Association, Florida Band Association, Florida Orchestra Association and The International Thespian Society.
- Five faculty members dedicated exclusively to educating students in the arts.
For more information go to goecs.org/academics/fine-arts/ or
visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/ECSFA.