Disney's Beauty and the Beast - March 07

Edmond Memorial High School Performing Arts

 Special Thanks  

Brandi Wheeler 

Matt Robinson, Carrie Higdon, Lance Mock, & Sally Stewart 

EMHS Faculty and Staff 

Titan AVL 

Chalyn Edson & Jesse Herndon 
The EMHS Art Department 
Elliana Hall 
Matt Cheek 
Dillon Rasberry & Edmond North Theatre Arts 
Marisa Carr & Edmond Santa Fe Theatre Arts 

Bret & Nancy Towne 
Shirley Combs 
Amy Flud & Cheynne Middle School Theatre Arts 
Jenny Rottmayer & Central Middle School Theatre Arts 
Jenny Meigs 
Toni Richardson 
Anthony Hopkins 
Micah Gillezeau 
Taylor Halley 
Melina Owen 
Kyle Owen 
Mary Rosacker 
Jennifer Cherry 
Lauren Bauer

Cari McKay Flurry  
Sarah Bushman 
Ryan Bushman, Blaine Flurry, Brett Howard, Norman Nieves, J.R Flud 
Danielle Briseno 
Shannon Medley 
Margie Green 
Justin Marlow 
EPS Print Shop 
Eddie Hudson 
ZFX Flying, Inc 
Andrea Gentry 
Ellie Piper 

Gretchen Latham 
Kevin McDonald
Tanner Morgan 
Joy Neel 
Megan Nye 
Upstage Theatre of Oklahoma 



We want to thank our sponsor for Beauty and the Beast

Brad and Julie Reeser


Thank you for supporting the arts at Edmond Memorial! 

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