Disney's Beauty and the Beast - March 07

Edmond Memorial High School Performing Arts

 Director's Note  

Welcome to Edmond Memorial High School! 



For many years, various people have expressed their desire to again see a Disney show here at EMHS. Beauty and the Beast has been a recurring suggestion. Initially, I hesitated. I knew that staging a production like this would demand exceptional effort from every department, and honestly, it was a daunting thought. But sometimes you have to do things that scare you, that others say are impossible, or “too much” for a high school theater program. Beauty and the Beast is the culmination of months and months of preparation, hard work, and the highest level of collaboration among the fine arts programs at Memorial. This show has been the most complex, most magical, and most joyful endeavor attempted during my tenure here. 



Tonight’s performance would not be possible without the dedication of numerous individuals. While there are too many to name, I would like to highlight a few key people. First, Micah Gillezeau, the PACE board, and all of the PACE parents for their crucial contributions in set design, advertising, and organizing various aspects of this show. To Mr. David Koehn, who wore many hats during this process and provided unwavering support throughout. To Mr. Wes Singleton and Mrs. Margie Green, my partners in crime, who selflessly devoted their time and attention to make this production a reality. To the EMHS faculty and staff who understood this monumental undertaking and rallied behind it. We are incredibly fortunate to have Mr. Anthony Risi leading our technical direction. Anthony is a visionary when it comes to using tech to enhance a production and it's always a pleasure to collaborate with him. To Mr. Edward Hudson, our district fine arts director, who was helpful and attentive and understood my “big picture” from the beginning.  Finally, to Mrs. Brandi Wheeler, whose appreciation for the arts at Edmond Memorial is unparalleled, who assisted with the undertaking of the flying effects, and who consistently goes above and beyond for every student and staff member. 



I would be remiss to not brag on the cast, crew, and orchestra students who are the heart and soul of this production. The cast has been working for months on preparing music, staging, and choreography. This crew operates at the highest level of professionalism and I am constantly blown away by their work ethic. The orchestra students have poured their hearts into this production to create a seamless and beautiful sound, tackling difficult music that would give seasoned professionals pause. I am blessed and thankful to work and know all of these students. They have brought this enchanting tale to life on our stage tonight.



Thank you for supporting the arts in Edmond Public Schools.  I hope you will take this performance as an opportunity to escape to a magical world where wishes come true and everyone lives happily ever after. 



Patrick Towne
Director of Theatre Arts 

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