Nice Work If You Can Get It - December 01 - December 03, 2023

Edina High School

 End Notes 

Note From the Director


Hello! Since I started working at Edina High School this past August I have been asked two questions repeatedly: Why Edina High School and why this show? So I will attempt to answer those questions here. I came here because I was deeply impressed by Edina’s Arts programs. In a time where other schools in Minnesota are seeing their Arts programs shrink or even go away completely, Edina values the Performing Arts, and it is evident in the massive amount of talent and opportunity in this school’s band, orchestra, choir, dance, and theater programs, including what I consider to be the crown jewel:Theater for All. Edina’s middle school theater programs are incredibly strong too, what a gift! 


The abundance of talent also factors heavily into why this show was chosen. I want to showcase the talent of our instrumentalists by choosing a show that requires a large pit band. I want to showcase the talents of our singers and dancers by having a big musical with a large cast, and I want to show off the comic talents of our actors by having a classic farce. Also, I have a soft spot for Gershwin, what can I say?


I am so deeply impressed with everyone working on this show, onstage and off. The student technical leadership rivals the professionals I work with, and bearing witness to the amount of talent and professionalism I see everyday, I feel ridiculously lucky. This is a director’s dream!


For the past few months, we’ve been creating something really special for you. I cannot WAIT for you to experience it. If your experience is anything like mine, you will laugh so much that your cheeks ache, you may even get a little choked up (or full on cry if you’re a softie like me) and you will very likely leave humming a Gershwin tune with a spring in your step.


 Which is just how we want it. Enjoy the show!



-Jane Froiland


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