Nice Work If You Can Get It - December 01 - December 03, 2023

Edina High School


No show comes together without the help and dedication of many people working collaboratively to achieve a common goal. The company of Nice Work If You Can Get It wishes to thank the following people for their contributions to our show...


Tyler Morris Reese for his constant work in keeping up our facilities.

EHS Administrative Team for their support of our theatre program.

Shawn Draves and the custodial crew for their patience and efforts.

The performing arts teachers of Southview and Valleyview Middle Schools for inspiring and teaching our students.

Brad Lathrop at ALLEGRA Printing for his helpful, kind assistance with the posters, programs, and yard signs.

Our friends and family for supporting our theatrical endeavors.

The EHS Thespian Alums for their continued interest and help in growing our program.

Gigi deGrood


A special thank you to the EHS THESPIAN PARENT BOOSTERS! Thank you for loving and caring about ALL our kids! Our program could not work without you!


Kerrie Hecker: President
Christina Mosakowski: Treasurer
Angie Porter: Secretary and Communications
Doug Smalley, Amy Solarz-Patel & Heather Teskey: Front of House
Jennifer Musolf and Kris Wetmore: Hospitality
Lindsey Smith: Ticket Sales


THANK YOU to this season's donors:

Main Stage Circle - $500+
Phil & Schele Smith Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
Noah & Beth Ann Monsen
Mosakowski Family
Kerrie & Andrew Hecker
Binh Tuong & John Jakala

Sponsor Circle - $250
Erica Malvey-Dorn & Rich Dorn
Dr. Michael Spencer & Laurie Wilson Spencer
The Weiman Family

Producers Circle - $100
Scott Polus and Michelle Tessier
Rich and Renee May
Molly Rice & Andy Slothower
The Ihrke Family
Max & Annie Heitzmann

Actors Circle - $25
The Tuescher Family
Meggie & Robb Trenda

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