Urinetown The Musical - April 30 - May 02, 2015

East Coweta High School


Urinetown would not have been possible without the help of many people. The cast and crew would like to thank all of you for your help.  If we have failed to mention you, please know your efforts are also appreciated.



Thank You!


-Larry and Eileen Ondovchik


-Dr. Richard and Barbara McMichen


-Matt, Drew, and Natalie Hauert


-Matt, McKenna, and Kylan Wright


-LeAndrea McLay


-CeCe Kuehl


-Jan Black


-Kendall Trammell


-Mr. O's 4th Block Advanced Drama Class


-ECHOStage Parents


-Angela Stacey and the ECHS Custodial Staff


-Don Nixon, John Molettiere, Tim Murray and the staff of the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts of Coweta County.  

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