Here for You
Franklin Hart and the Boy's Club
I Just Might
Judy, Violet, Doralee and the Company
Backwoods Barbie
Doralee and the Company
Heart to Hart
Roz and the Rozettes
The Dance of Death
Judy, Franklin Hart and her Dancers
Cowgirl's Revenge
Doralee, Dwayne, Franklin Hart and the Cowpokes
Potion Notion
Violet, Franklin Hart and her Animals
Shine Like the Sun
Violet, Doralee, Judy and the Company
One of the Boys
Violet and the Boys
Change It
Doralee, Violet, Judy and the Company
Let Love Grow
Joe and Violet
Get Out and Stay Out
9-5 the Musical will have a 15 minute intermission.
Please turn off your cell phone.
There is no texting during the show.
There is no food or drink allowed in the theatre- thank you!
The ECC Theatre Department is generously supported by the ECC Administration and the ECC Foundation. To learn more, visit!
Thank you to our producers, Ann Boehmer and Amy Demiere- we could not do any of this without you!