Sweeney Todd School Edition - April 07 - April 09, 2016

Dublin Jerome High School

 End Notes 


From P. Scott . . .


Cast, Crew & Orchestra,      


I want to thank you so much for taking on this musical with passion and brilliance!  You have really made this process so wonderful and I love what you have accomplished!  


Mr. Abrams, you have always been and will always been a shining star in our productions.  You're the consummate artist and I am so lucky to have you with us!


Scot, I am so thrilled you were able to join us again.  You are always so fun and do such a wonderful job!!


Devra, I have loved working with you and am really hoping to keep you on our team!!  You really did a brilliant job and fit in so perfectly here!  Thank you for your talent and time.


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State Thespian Conference


Congratulations to all the performers at the State Thespian Conference this year! Whether you competed in the IEs, performed in our Marathon show, or starred in the State show, you all did such a great job and represented Jerome proudly.  


Jonathan Beebe, John Dopp, Justin Fisher, Joe Gallagher, Hannah Jones, Amita Kharabe, Mich Lehman, Alek Mehta, Nathan Minns, Sean O'Loughlin, Becca Olsen, Drew Schroeder, Grace Vetter.   Way to go!


A super special Congratulations to Leah Birdsall for competing in the Stage Management IE and receiving straight SUPERIOR ratings and an invitation to compete at the International Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska this summer!!!  Whoo Hoo Leah!!!!


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