Mitch Lehman
Co-Set Head
(Senior) "Hellow all of Coffman!!!" Mitch enjoyed watching Les Miserables "(it was a great show)" and is the set head for Sweeney Todd "(I hope this is a good one)." He will be doing something after graduation. Favorite memory in Drama Club? "Pushing Daniel Blosser and Abbie Vetter on a cart all around school while we played air drums."
Ian MacLeod
Co-Set Head
(Senior) "Hi Everybody!" Ian was co-prop head in Legally Blonde and co-set head in Mary Poppins. He will be majoring in mechanical engineering after graduation. Favorite memory in Drama Club? "Being snowed in by the blizzard on tech day."
Alexis Leib
Paint Head
(Senior) "Hi to Lisa." Alexis participated in Legally Blonde. She will be going to Aveda Institute after graduation.
Cristin Vinci
Light Head
(Senior) "Thanks to all my fans, you know who you are, cuz I don't." Cristin participated in Wizard of Oz (pushing the house) and handled lights for 39 Steps. "Hopefully college" is in her future after graduation. Favorite memory in Drama Club? "PUSHING THE HOUSE! (twice)"
Emma Pace
Sound Head
(Junior) "Hi Olivia and Heidi! Thanks for teaching me your ways." Emma was the step mother in Cinderella and Margaret in 39 Steps.