The Dracut High School Theatre Arts program
would like to express our deepest gratitude to:
Mr. Steven Stone ......................... |
Superintendent of Schools |
Mr. Nicholas Botelho .................... |
Director of Teaching and Learning |
Ms. Kimberly Lawrence ................ |
Director of Student Services |
Ms. Stefanie Fields ...................... |
Director of Finance and Operations |
Mr. Richard Manley ...................... |
Dracut High School Principal |
Ms. Maria Lysen .......................... |
Vice Principal |
Dr. Mary Carney .......................... |
Vice Principal, Freshmen Academy |
Dr. Carolyn Cardella ..................... |
Coordinator of Fine & Performing Arts |
Mr. Alex Morrow .......................... |
Theater Technician |
Mr. Andrew Bolduc ....................... |
Library/Media Specialist |
School Committee Members
Ms. Allison Volpe
Dr. Linda Trouville
Ms. Renee Young
Dr. Rebecca Duda
Mr. Robert Sheppard
for their unwavering support of the theatre arts students and staff.
Facilities Team
Mr. Andy Graham ........................ |
Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds |
Ms. Michelle Adamczyk ............... |
Buildings and Grounds Administrative Assistant
Dracut High School Custodial and Maintainence Staff
Mr. Bill Desmond
Mr. Tom Pimentel
Mr. Kris Hall
Mr. Mark Silvar
Mr. Jeff Potzner
Mr. Joseph Adamczyk
Mr. Patrick Deegan
Mr. Joseph Ramalho
Mr. Jorge Ramos
Mr. Dean Miller
Mr. Adam Leduc
Mr. Chad Adamczyk
Mr. Khalid Moudakkire
Mr. Westley Borges
Mr. Derek Pimentel
Mr. Daniel Geoffroy
for keeping our performance spaces beautiful and safe.