Oliver! - February 06 - February 08, 2015

Downingtown Middle School
Downingtown Middle School
Music Theater

 February 6, 7, 8, 2015

 Music, Lyrics and Book by Lionel Bart







 Mary Jane Steelman,

Drama Director


Floyd Rawleigh,

Production Director

Music Director

 Barbara Lappano,




    Debbie Young,


         Price Stevenson,    

      Technical Director

Jane Bertone,



  Christina Mann,

   Stage Manager


      Laurey Zoladz,

      Props Manager


Christina Cave,

Set Design


  Megan McLoone,

  High School Student

 Student Stage Manager


Christina Rennie,

High School Student

Student Choreographer





Licensed by Arrangement with Oliver Productions, Ltd.

and Oliver Promotions, Ltd.

Oliver! is presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc., 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022. www.tamswitmark.com