Jonah, You just keep surprising us by conquering new challenges. It has been a treat watching you work so hard on Starlight Express. Of all your great talents, your character and kindness impress me most. Jonah, you make me SO HAPPY! Love, Mom
Dear Alli, We are so proud of you! You've been preparing for the stage from the time you were 3. All those years of singing in the shower and for your grandparents have finally paid off! You are just as lovable as Dinah the Dining Car and we've enjoyed watching you learn to skate & transform yourself into this amazing, dramatic character. We are so proud of how hard you work at all you do. We will never U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E ourselves from you! Thank you for being you - exceptional, talented, creative, hard-working, beautiful YOU! Love, Your Family
Dallin, Your family is so proud of you and the many talents you have. We love you!! Love, Mom, Dad, and Family
Michael, The moment you stepped onstage as Donkey you found a new home. It's been a joy watching you develop your talent and share it with others. Thank you for being a great son and such an important part of our family. You are amazing and we're so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, & Family
IT'S GREASEBALL! We'd like to EXPRESS our pride in your hard work! You proved you can TRAIN yourself to accomplish anything you CHOO-CHOOSE! Love, Mom & Dad
TC, We love you and are extremely proud of you. You're an amazing kid with so many talents and we are so excited to see your performance. Break a leg kiddo. Love, Dad and Mom 
Juliet, Your character couldn't have a more appropriate name . . . you truly are a beautiful, elegant, classy "Pearl" and I couldn't be more proud of you! Lots of love, Mom
Sienna, The true heart and soul of any train is its engineer! We're so proud of the way you "conduct" yourself, and how you are leading this company down the track to a successful show! We love you forever Sauna Boo, now All Aboard! Love Mom, Dad, India, and the "ponies" :)