Hello, Dolly! - February 21 - February 23, 2019

Dallas High School


Special Thanks to:


Steve Spencer, Amy Stewart and the Dallas School District


Terry Rohse of the Chemeketa Community College Auditorium


Steve Vincent of the Chemeketa Media Production Department


Mike Hettwer, Dallas High School Band


Jeff Witt, Central High School Theatre


Michael McIntire    Debbie McCleery          Alicia Scherer


Mike Fite and Uptown Music              RainPro Media


The needed parent and family volunteers who built sets and costumes!

Jamie Buller, Craig Button,  Becky Darrington, Toni Hannan, Jana Fogg,  Chris Lowery,  Anthony Nelson, Jaimie Richardson, Betsy Richardson, Ann Tilgner, Wes Tilgner,  Beth Garrison, Cynthiann Garrison, Elsy Garrison, Lars Garrison, Zoey Garrison


We owe a huge debt of thanks to the many mothers who built dresses for our 1994 production.  They were so beautiful and of such high quality that we have reused many of them for this production.  We, literally, could not have costumed this show without the dresses made so many years ago.  Thanks for supporting your kids in 1994 and allowing us to further that support for our students today. 


A shout out to the theatre Student Assistants and the students in Advanced Theatre classes who helped us get ahead on the scenic painting when we were trying to get ahead of the snow... that didn't arrive.  They are:  Alice Coonley, Seth Ellingsworth, Havalah Gaither-Lyell, Brandon Garcia, Alex King, April Leaton, Autumn McDonald, Kaily McKellar, Mallory Minahan, Eric Myers, Robbie Phillips, Mya Robinson, Steven Stowell, Prommisse Thornley, Madi Webb and Emma Willard. 


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