Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon KIDS - April 13 - April 20, 2019

DMR Adventures

 Who's Who 

  • Frances Barrett

    as Captain Bones

    Franny is in the 3rd grade at Scottsville Elementary. Previous roles have included Aurora in Sleeping Beauty (at DMR), a skeleton in her school play, and an orphan in Annie. Coincidentally, she is also playing a pirate captain in her spring school play! Outside of theater, Franny enjoys playing softball, reading biographies, and playing with her sisters and dogs.

  • Annika Braun-Wahlin

    as Corey, Nathaniel

    Annika is excited to be in her fifth DMR production. Most recently, she was a Subbalubble and a Glinny Glim in The Journey of Noble Gnarble. Annika enjoys playing the violin, reading, drawing, and ballet. She has written a play and is writing a novel about a unicorn. Annika aspires to be a vet and loves her little sister Freya. She is in second grade at Johnson Elementary.

  • Freya Braun-Wahlin

    as Pufferfish, Parrot

    This is Freya’s second DMR production. Her first was The Journey of the Noble Gnarble where she played a gnarble and loved her line, “I looove mud.” Freya enjoys ballet and has started learning ukulele. When Freya grows up, she wants to be a firefighter or a scientist. She looks up to her big sister Annika. She is in kindergarten at Johnson Elementary.

  • Grace Browne

    as Stinky

    Grace is 9 years old and is currently in 3rd grade at St. Anne’s Belfield School. Grace’s favorite past roles include Tessie in Annie and May in Junie B. Jones. She loves musical theater, reading and horseback riding.

  • Cooper Charles

    Spot Operator

    Cooper is in the 5th grade at Walker. He received his black belt in Tae Kwon Do this summer and has now moved on to playing piano, tuba, basketball, and playing with his new dog, Ella. Cooper enjoys playing comedic characters onstage and is excited to run spot for the first time. He hopes to host a special "Name that Tune" game night at DMR sometime soon. 

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