Bye Bye Birdie - February 29 - March 10, 2024

Cultural Park Theater

 End Notes 

Dear Cast, Crew, Volunteers, Parents and Cultural Park Theatre,


I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for everyone involved in this show and theater. Without your support and dedication, I would not have been able to successfully navigate this challenging endeavor. Your professionalism and friendship have truly been invaluable.


I initially decided to take on the role of directing this show as an opportunity to spend quality time with my 18-year-old daughter, who has found a second home here at the theater. As a mother, I cherish every moment I can share with my children, and this show provided us with that special connection. With the support of the theater community, including all the amazing theater families, I dove headfirst into this adventure, fueled by the energy I thought I still had in my 30s.


The hours spent before and after rehearsals, working on sets, props, costumes, music, blocking, and schedules fueled my excitement for this undertaking. Witnessing my daughter shine both onstage and off as well as witnessing the warm welcome extended to me by the fellow actors and colleagues at the theater made this experience truly priceless.


To the entire cast, I am in awe of your amazing talent and dedication to bringing these characters to life. The individual time I spent with many of you during the directing process was a valuable learning experience in the realm of theater. I will cherish those moments always.


To the Murray Family, Carrie, David, Nikki, Bea, and Lauren, your vibrant energy and involvement in the arts community have greatly enriched the theater. The community is fortunate to have your contributions.


I would like to extend a special thank you to my husband, family and friends for stepping in to help take care of my "mom duties” for my two young kids so I could devote what little spare time I had to working on and organizing this show. Your support means the world to me.


Last but not least, to my daughter, I love you and cannot wait to see you continue to shine and achieve great things in the world of theater.


Once again, thank you all for your invaluable contributions and for making this experience truly remarkable.


Warm regards, respect and love,


Your Director, Sarah

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