Let's start the very beginning, a very good place to start ...
In January, a group of young people assembled to take on the largest musical produced. Lines were memorized, songs were learned, scenery was built, costumes were sewn, and a myriad of other details were woven together to form this production we present to you tonight.
To say I'm proud of these students is an understatment. They have lifted my heart and my hopes as only a truly dedicated cast and crew can.
To my colleagues, Lisa Zimdars and Carla Meade, and to my stage moms Karen Guthrie and Meredith Bledsoe, there is no way I could have directed this without you! You are all so invaluable to this program!
To my seniors, it's hard to believe it has come to this: our final production together! I'm so proud to see how you've grown but I can't bear to think that this ends your era on our stage. I have been blessed by your participation in our plays.
Roomie, I will miss you!
Christa Nichols