Eliza Komisar
I am a freshmen at Creek Wood. I want to thank all of you for coming to the show and the cast for letting me teach them to dance in ways they were very uncomfortable with at first. I want to thank my family, especially my sister for picking me up and driving me to Creek Wood at all hours of the day.
Celest Hargrove
Stage Manager
Hello to anyone reading this. I am a sophomore at Creek Wood High.I just want to say Please enjoy the play. I promise you will go home singing the songs from The Sound of Music.
Augustus Deiter
Stage Crew Manager
I am a sophomore here at Creek Wood
Austin Lampley
Audio/Lighting Technician
Hello, I'm Austin, but most people know me as "Lampley", since that's my last name. I'm working the booth along side Kala. We will make sure that everything goes great with the show and nothing goes terribly wrong.