Miranda Canelosi
Miranda Cancelosi is a junior, and this is her sixth show at Cranbrook. She is very thankful to be working sound with our wonderful Cranbrook Stage Crew and hopes everyone enjoys the show!
Clare Wren Catallo
Clare Wren is a junior, and she has been in costume crew for three years. She is thrilled for this to be her eighth production at Cranbrook. She would like to thank her teachers, family, and friends for their support, and Natalie Walker (@nwalks) for her vast contributions to the theater community.
Melanie Cho
Melanie’s in her sophomore year and this is her 5th show at Cranbrook. She’s grateful for the experience she has in stagecrew and the seniors that have helped her out. Melanie is thankful to Mr. Rahn for helping her understand more about what theatre is like “behind the scenes” and how to build sets!
Clara Davis
Clara is a sophomore and this is her 5th show as a crew member. She enjoyed working with the amazing cast and crew! She would like to thank her family dealing with theater schedule!
Emily Fernandez
Emily Fernandez is a sophomore and this is her fifth show at Cranbrook. As a lifelong Disney fan, she's extremely excited to put on The Little Mermaid. She loves being in stage crew and would like to thank her family for supporting her at every show!