Mira Davis
as Ariel
Mira Davis is beyond thrilled to be in her fifth and final musical at Cranbrook. She would like to thank all of her friends and family for their never ending support as well as the Performing Arts Department for making her time in the program so special.
Joey Morof
as Prince Eric
Joey is a senior and this is his 8th and final show with Cranbrook Theatre. His most profound memories of high school have taken place in the PAC and he will cherish them indefinitely. He would like to thank all of his teachers, friends, and family for their continual support over the past four years. Will “Her Voice” be found? Stay tuned!
James Miller
as Grimsby
James is a sophomore and he is absolutely thrilled to be a part of the musical this year. This is his third show at the upper school and he would like to thank his family and fellow cast members for supporting him in this production.
Nate Gorman
as Flounder
Nate Gorman is a freshman at Cranbrook and is beyond excited to be in his first ever Cranbrook production! He would like to thank his parents for letting him attend this school, his friends for coming to see the show, and his sister, Sarah, for driving him to and from rehearsal.
Nicolas Pecorelli
as Scuttle / Chef Louis
Nicolas Pecorelli is a junior playing both Scuttle and Chef Louis. Surprised by his dual casting this year, Nicolas was nervous about the immense challenge and commitment that playing two roles would bring. But, through his love of theater and the fun characters he portrays, Nicolas recognizes this as the exciting opportunity he has been waiting for and is determined to deliver a positoovily amazing performance.