Special Thanks to Everyone
who helped with this production. I appologize, if I miss anyone.
Please know that Everyone who helped is very much apprciated!
Brian Olkowski
[Director, Producer, & Choreographer]
without him this entire production would not be possible
Corena Strecker-Beitzel
for her continued commitment and dedication
Coyote Creek 4th & 5th Grade Teachers
and ALL support Staff
Mike Biondi ~ Bill Alpert
Janet Foster ~ Harriet Jaffin
Lorree Hayes ~ Karen Tomasello
Jennifer Bertolero ~ Nancy Oranje
Valdimir Moskalenko ~ Vin Lam
Angel Jauregui
Families of the performers for their support!
Cast Party Chair – Marsha Moore
Concession Chair – Kira Vu & Judy Gestring
Costume Committee Chair – Nisha Dada
Program Chair & Parent Coordinator - Helen Hills
Prop Committee Chair – Courtney Moran
T-Shirt Chair – Holly Krantz
Carol Harper, Carrie Takayoshi,
Cigdem Akkaya, Courtney Moran,
Florence Tsang, Francesca Mbugua, Grace Dagen,
Ginny Lopez, Hanna Shchehlik, Healther Heffel,
Helen Hills, Helen Yeung, Holly Krantz, Jessica Galeazzi,
John Takayoshi, Judy Gestring, June Hu, Kira Vu, Libby Yeung,
Lisa Ng, Mary Roncoli, Marsha Moore, Meghana Pulimi,
Mekhala Patwardhan, Michael Kelly, Mijung Choi, Mili Tandon-Baweja,
Nalini Kalavacharla, Neha Dalal, Nisha Dada, Nitsa Dimitrakos, Patrica Lorenz,
Pramila Mohanlal, Rachelle Ocampo, Renee Yin, Sarah Siu, Serene Simon,
Suneetha, Uthra Natarajan, Vaishali Kumar, Veronica Bercaives, Ying Huang, Yu Tian
Drumming was inspired by Kevin Hammond's choreography in TVRT's production of Peter Pan.