Director's Notes
This year has been quite a journey for The Conwell Kidz. When I think back to where it all began and how far we’ve come, I can honestly say that I am truly humbled.
10 years ago, in May of 2005, at 70 Bright Street, The Conwell Kidz held their first performance “The Wizard of Oz”. There were very few who understood exactly why the school had a drama teacher and how it would benefit the children of Conwell Elementary. But it was with the vision of the school’s then principal, Ms. Maryann Wallace, that The Conwell Kidz was born, for she truly understood the impact of arts education.
I remember that year like it was yesterday. I remember painting scenery on rolls of poster paper. I remember making props and costumes out of t-shirts, construction paper, and anything else we can get our hands on. We had very little but you know what? It didn’t matter. Experiencing the growth of these little third graders was truly amazing and inspiring.
Fast forward to the 2014-2015 school year. With an amazing cast of teachers, parents, an extremely talented group of performers, and Mr. Mischel's unwavering support, our dream team was born. We were accepted to perform at The Junior Theater Festival in Atlanta GA. The Junior Theatre Festival is the largest national festival in the country with over 4,000 participants. Our kidz took home the “Excellence in Music Award” with students Jeremiah Gonzalez and Lauralie Mufute taking home the title of JTF All Stars. This summer a number of our students were cast in the iTheatrics Summer Theatre Intensive Workshop in NYC in which they will be piloting new productions of “Junie B. Jones” and “Pirates Past Noon”.
The Conwell Kidz, now housed in the Mary Ann Wallace Theatre that you sit in this evening, perform their 22nd production since its inception. I can honestly say that if you take away the lights, scenery, beautiful costumes, etc., it’s still about seeing those little faces smiling, laughing, growing, and creating together.
As the Conwell Kidz continue to grow, I will never forget the children, staff, and parents who have helped make us what we are today. You live forever in this program. And to the children graduating this year, wherever you go, whatever you do, you will always be a part of something special. I hope you take what you’ve learned here and use it. Use it to do great things, never let go of your creativity. Go be the next Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, or Maya Angelou. But always remember your roots and always remember that you have left your mark here in our program. I am thankful everyday that I can be your teacher. It is truly a gift.
Mrs. Oliver
Conwell Kidz Drama Director

Cast members from "The Wizard of Oz" 2005