Colony Drama would like to recognize some dedicated people that contributed to the success of this show.
- Tim Stewart for his beautiful craftsmanship building the Phantom's throne chair and most impressively the massive chandelier. We cannot express how grateful we are to your tireless work.
- Thank you Kathy Stewart for your beautiful costuming of the Phantom.
- Thank you Kyle Rentz for the exquisite boat.
- Thank you Anchorage Opera House for gifting us with the use of your costumes.
- Thank you Kahlan Duffy for letting Phantom be your first big production as an up and coming customer.
- Thank you to all the parents that supported the long hours your students have been putting in for the past five weeks.
- Thank you to the Colony High administration team that readily supported this endeavor in every way.
- Finally, thank you to Colene Mead, Jennifer Burton, Kyle Rentz, and Beau Sawyer, for standing behind your directing spouses over the past several months while we worked, stressed, and worked some more to bring our dream of Phantom alive on stage.