Nina Ayala
as Kate
This is senior, Nina's first year performing as a Colonial Player. She’s had so much fun becoming friends with this amazing cast and is excited to be a part of it in her last year of high school. She wants to thank everyone in the cast for making her feel welcome and also her parents, friends, and directors who saw her potential when she didn’t.
Caroline Borio
as Elle Woods
Caroline is thrilled to be a part of her sixth Colonial Players show! She cannot wait to share this show with an audience and would like to thank all her directors for giving her the opportunity to play Elle. She would also like to thank her fellow cast and crew, especially her incredible understudy Ann Galullo for being simply the best! Enjoy the show!
Sydney Borislow
as Margot
Sydney is so excited to be in her 5th Colonial Players production, and is grateful to be a part of this incredible show! She would like to thank her entire family for being so supportive and putting up with her constantly singing in her room, and she would also like to thank her Delta Nu sisters for making the rehearsal process so amazing and fun! Much love!
Nicholas Cruz
as Warner Huntington III u/s
Nick is ecstatic to be a part of his first Colonial Players show. He has done theater from a young age first appearing in Seussical The Musical at St. Philip Neri. Nick would to thank his supportive family especially his mother and his siblings. He would also like to especially thank Seth Elkins for leading him through his first show at PWHS as his overstudy for Warner.
Seth Elkins
as Warner Huntington III
Seth is ecstatic to be in his eighth and final Colonial Players production. He has enjoyed his time in Legally Blonde and has learned a lot while acting as Warner. Seth would like to thank the cast and crew for an amazing four years. He would also like to thank the directors for providing him with incredible opportunities and teaching him important life lessons.