Shreya Bhutani
Shreya is so excited to be taking part in her sixth show with the Colonial Players. In the past, she has been involved with Tech Crew, Shift Crew, Scenic Design, and the Marketing Team. She would like to congratulate the entire cast and crew of Almost, Maine for a successful production!
Sarah Clancy
Almost, Maine will be Sarah's sixth show with the Colonial Players. She would like to thank the cast, staff, and volunteers for all of their hard work and her crew family for being the most supportive and loving friends anyone could ask for.
Jessica Freels
Jessica is excited to be apart of her sixth Colonial Players production! She would like to thank her friends and family for doing normal friends and family stuff. Especially Mama Freels, she does it the best! She would also like to thank her shift crew family for pretending to like her because she really likes them. Break a leg, everyone!
Kelsey Gavin
Kelsey is thrilled to be a part of her seventh production with the Colonial Players. She would like to thank her family and friends for their continual support and encouragement over the past four years. Most importantly, Kelsey would like to express her love and gratitude for her crew family, both old and new. "Clomp it". To the cast and crew of Almost, Maine: Break a leg!
Aidan McEleney
It is insane to think that It’s been three years with the Colonial Players from being just the guy who turns the house lights on to the guy who completely tries to manage the sound. To the actors who graduated that were my friends thanks so much for dealing with my idiotic mind. To the friends I'm graduating with thanks for making the few years so great and to my parents thanks for supporting me.