Jake Bender
as Guard
(u/s Juror #12) Jake is happy to take part in the Colonial Player's production of "12 Angry Jurors". Previous Colonial Players productions include "Guys and Dolls". In his spare time, Jake performs at the Paul Green School of Rock. By the time he graduates, he will have been in 22 shows, as a guitarist, bassist, and vocalist.
Hanna Carr
as Juror #11
Hanna is thrilled to be joining her fellow cast members for her third Colonial Players show! She would like to thank the directors and her friends and family for their support and guidance, especially in figuring out how to do an Eastern European accent! Hanna loves the CP community, and she hopes to be involved in many more shows at PW in the future.
Katie Culp
as Juror #12
Katie is a sophmore in high school. This is her second Colonial Players show and she's very happy to be a part of this cast. She loves art and music and she loves her Colonial Player family. Her previous show was "Father of the Bride" as Kay's understudy.
Nathan Enslin
as Juror #6
This is Nathan's 3rd show with the Colonial Players.This show, "12 Angry Jurors", has been Nathan's favorite play since 7th grade, and is very excited to be a part of it! Nathan has also recently received his Eagle Scout. He feels as though this will be a great year.