Hairspray - April 10 - April 12, 2014

Collingswood High School


Break a leg, cast & crew! Love, Mrs. Wister

Break a leg cast & crew. Best Wishes, Mr & Mrs. Whalen

Good luck CHS Cast & Crew , Mr. Hill

Cassandra, You are my star! Love, Mom

Good Luck Noah! Jack McConnell

Go Cassandra! Love you! DebbieBreak a leg, Noah! Mrs. Guinoiseau

Have a great show! Mr. Dorney

Noah , we are so proud of you. Dave & Kathy Darrow

Ian & Dylan, You are our shining stars!

          Luv, Mom & Dad

Dan! Enjoy your first show

Tracy, you are our star! Love Dad & Mom

Allison, you rock! Love, Jackie and Maddie

Grandmom and Poppop Schmidt are your biggest fans, Tracy!

Allison, you are the best! Love, Grandmom Lucy

Awesome job Allison! Love, Aunt Debbie

Grandmom and Poppop Nuzzi are so proud of you Allison!

Ryan, Congratulations and Good luck!! Love, Grandmamma

Ryan Francis - Congratulations son! We love you and are so proud of you.

It’s a good thing Ofonime’s acting has nothing to do with geometry skills. That’s how I

       know she’ll be great! Love, Ms. Harte

Way to go Car, you’re our superstar. Love, John

Carly, you’re always my star! Love, Mom

Congratulations Hairspray Cast! Ms. Ortiz

Break a leg Carly Rose! Love, Jackie

Give ‘em your all chica! Love Titi and Clarissa

To Jack – the nicest grandson around! Love, Grammie

Jackzilla can dance too?!?

Jack – wish we could be there for your debut! Love, Grandpa and Grandma

Jack, break a leg! Kidding, its baseball season! Love, Mom & Dad

To our big bro Jack – you were awesome! Love, Doc & Emma

Megan McGurgan– will go you to prom with me? Michael Madden

Good luck Mike! Ana Lamberto

We are so proud of you! Carolyn Madden

Emma (Penny), You make us so very proud! We Love You! Grammy & Gramps

To our Penny – steal the show, kid! Love, Mom & Dad

Samantha- I am better than you! Love Aunt Maureen

Break a leg Samantha Chambers & all the Corny Collins dancers! We love you Sam XO Mom & Dad
Good luck to my precious Samantha! Love Aunt Patti 
We are so proud of you Maddie girl! Continue to do what you do best!
            Much love, Gram, Mom and Morgan, Thomas, Uncle Kirk, Binks and Bella

Dear Danielle, Break a leg! Love, Mom & Dad

Dear Danielle, Have a wonderful time with the show! Love, Grandma

Good luck to our bright star! Love Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop

Break a leg Amanda! Isaac

Alina, you’re my star – break a leg. Love, Mom

I love you and I’m proud of you always Alina! Break a leg. Love, Dad

Felicitations a tous! – Madame Rogers

Julia, you do “bad” so good! We love you!

Michelle, you can do anything! We are so proud!

Congrats Cassandra! Love You:)Jose Acosta

Good luck Jodi, you’re the best! Love, Grandmom

Jodi, “Break a leg” – Dustless Hardwood Floors

Jodi, cast and crew – Have a great show! R & T Management Services

Jodi Moser – my favorite niece – good luck!!

Have Fun Jodi – Aunt Pat and Uncle Jack

Go Jodi Go!  Love Mommom

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