College Station Drama would like to thank the following people for their support during our prodction:
Mike Martindale
Justin Grimes
Julie Mishler
Tiffany Parkerson
Brandy Green
Rhea Aleman
Julie Middleton
Anne Hoffman
Valerie and Buddy Reed
Erik and Britina Pesak
Dan and Brenda Kurmaskie
Elizabeth Creel
Caleb Phillips
Mary Selcer
Travis Poe
Doris Bowes
Tim and Aimee Unroe
Teresa Stanley
Kim and Keith Kearny
Cindy Quinn
Elizabeth Stackhouse
Alyson Gorman
Tashia Cole
Diane Barron
Mary and Wade Beckman
Charita Briggs
Mary Finch
Stephanie Kema
Lynette McCutchen
Kelly Mcintyre
Linda Watson
Joey Wylie
Logan Meyer
Manny Bader
Brent Maxwell and CSHS Art
Jason Hooper and the CSHS Orchestra
Kearby Etheredge and the CSHS Choir
Anna McBride and the CSHS Strutters
Eric Eaks and the CSHS Band
Steve Huff and CSHS Athletics
Courtney Wellmann and CSHS English Dept.
And an extra special "thanks"
to all the parents of the Cast and Crew!