This performance would not be possible without the combined effort and support of students, parents, educators, community members and organizations. We would like to thank the following for their cotribution and support:
- Alex Boyd and Katie Thomas for taking the cast headshots and group photos
- Alberto Montemayor for teaching Will Parker how to rope a steer.
- Scott MacKerron for allowing us to borrow his AV equipment to film our dances for practicing.
- CLHS alumni Caitlin Bezecny, Velocity Brown and Jon Gehl for returning to help with tech.
Clear Lake High School
Dr. Karen Engle, Principle
Monica Speaks, Assosiate Principle
Venna Dass, Dean of Instruction
Adrian Washburn, Assistant Principle of Fine Arts
Clear Creek ISD
Greg Smith, Superintendent
Board of Trustees
Dr. Laura DuPont, President
Page Rander, Vice President
Charles Pond, Secretary
Ken Baliker, Trustee
Jay Cunningham, Trustee
Ann Hammond, Trustee
Win Weber, Trustee