Mary Korenek
as Dorothy
Mary is a senior at Clear Falls. In her free time, she likes to hang out with family and friends. Some of her previous shows are Alice in Wonderland, Moon Over Buffalo, Once Upon a Matteress, Get Smart, The Crucible, Footloose, Night of the Living Dead, Tartuffe, Lil Abner, and Harvey. She would like to thank her Family and directors for all of their support.
Madeline Fuller
as Aunt Em
Madeline is a Senior who has played a major role in Chior and Theatre. She has been in shows such as Lil Abner, Night of the Living Dead, Footloose, Once Upon a Mattress, and has been in many Coffee Houses. She likes to sleep and watch Netflix. She would like to thank her friends and loving family.
P.S. I love y'all!
Taylor Troutt
as Glinda
Taylor is a Senior at Clear Falls. In her free time, she plays softball or is involved with FCA. She enjoys singing all the time and watching softball. She has previously been in Youth Choir Shows at University Baptist Church, Beauty and the Beast, and The Music Man at Westbrook Intermediate. She would like to thank her family, friends, and brother for being totally wicked awesome!
Braxton Feemster
as Uncle Henry
Braxton is a Junior and has previosly performed in The Diary of Anne Frank, Alice in Wonderland, Footloose, and A Midsummers Night Dream. He would like to thank his director for being so flexible with his schedule and his family, friends, and his girlfriend for coming to support him.
Caleb Gonzales
as Emerald City Guard
Caleb is a Senior at Clear Falls and has been an avid member of this department for 4 years. He has performed in Moon Over Buffalo, where he was awarded All-Star Cast, and Alice in Wonderland as The Queen of Hearts. Caleb is also President of the Theatre Department, and would like to thank his parents for their support and his friends for being a great group of weirdos!