Bring it On - November 08 - November 16, 2019

Clarksburg High


This production would not be possible without the assistance of the following people:

  • Mr. Owusu and the administration of Clarksburg High School
  • Mr. Brown and Mr. Ballou and the building service workers
  • Mrs. Eader and Mrs. Weston for all their financial assistance.
  • Mrs. Murphy for helping with the cheer logos.
  • The Chstage Supporting cast foundation- for supporting us in the lobby, through fundraising, and with meals.
  • All the parents of the cast, crew, and interpreters for putting up with late nights and lots of rehearsals.
  • My family for always having my back in every endeavor.
  • You the audience - without you we would have no reason to be here and to do what we were born to do!




Director's Notes:

I never would have thought we would be pulling off this type of show.  When this show first went on broadway my students started petitioning for the rights to do it.  I said we would never be able to pull off the dances and the cheers.  I love it when the students prove me wrong!  It takes a special group to pull this intense of a show together and these kids are it!  They have done it all- choreography, set design, lighting design, props, makeup, costumes, directing - all of it masterminded by the leadership of this cast and crew.  I could not be more proud of what they were able to do in such a short amount of time.  These kids, regardless of their future plans, will be the leaders in their fields.  They will be the ones driving the projects and organizing the world. The theater is more than just entertainment, it is providing a means of learning leadership, time management, working as a group, prioritizing and problem-solving. The students you see (and don't see) in front of you are mastering those skills.  AND we have a lot of fun along the way.  Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to support our troupe, we greatly appreciate it. It takes a lot to put on a show, but we are so happy to have the opportunity to do it!


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