Bring it On - November 08 - November 16, 2019

Clarksburg High

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Julia Wise head shot

    Julia Wise

    Stage Manager

    Julia Wise, senior, is excited to be stage managing her final show with CHStage. This will be her third year stage managing and she has loved every part of it. She has been devoted to the program for her entire four years of high school and can't wait to see where it'll go next year. Julia would like to thank her friends and her family for always supporting her and making her feel confident. Additionally she would like to thank the cast and crew for being an amazing team that always makes her feel welcome. And last be not least, she would like to thank Michelle Meyer, the director, for working hard and allowing the CHStage cast and crew to be able to participate in this art.  

  • Jenna Beheri head shot

    Jenna Beheri

    Stage Right Manager and Construction Head

    Jenna Beheri, Senior, she has been involved in shows such as "The Laramie Project", "In the Heights","The Addams Family", and "Shrek the Musical". Jenna was also assistant stage right manager for "The Crucible" as well as "The Wiz". This is her 7th show with CHStage as set designer/stage right manager and would like to thank her mother for sticking by her side throughout her entire journey.

  • Sydney Miller head shot

    Sydney Miller

    Stage Left Manager

    Sydney Miller, Junior, has been involved in tech crew since freshman year. she has been apart of construction crew in "The Addams Family" and "Shrek the Musical". Sydney was assistance stage left manager in "The Crucible" and "The Wiz". She is excited to be stage left manager for Bring it on. Sydney wants to thank everyone for supporting her. 

  • Katie Clagett head shot

    Katie Clagett

    Construction Crew

    Katie Clagett, Senior, is excited to be on Construction Crew this year for "Bring It On". Katie has been in several other shows over the course of four years. From "The Laramie Project" to "The Wiz". Katie has also been an actor in "Shrek The Musical". Katie would like to thank her brother for pushing her into theatre. She would also like to thank Meyer for giving her this awesome opportunity to be in theatre as it is now her favorite thing to do. 

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