The Lion King Jr - April 08 - April 09, 2016

Christian Life School


This year's production combined the time and talent of fifty-five students, as well as many members of the staff and community.  The entire ensemble and I would like to thank the following:


  • Our Heavenly Father - without Him, the ensemble would not have the gifts that they are sharing with you.
  • The fantastic team of parent and grandparent volunteers.  Your hours of help painting and building sets, adjusting costumes and helping at the theater make this show possible.
  • Jack Hill - I am grateful that I get to work with you here.  Your mentorship and partnership help to make me better at what I do.
  • Moriah Hill and Joanna Guevara- thanks for being available to help with the audition process so that I was able to step out when needed.
  • Noah Hill - thanks for teaching the kids how to safely beat each other up and knock each other down.
  • Andrew Mahan - There are so many things for which I owe you thanks.  First, for teaching me African dance techniques so that I could pass the knowledge on to the cast.  Secondly, for your artistic eye that is able to pull out the picture in my head and make it real on the stage.  Finally, for your friendship and our endless hours of laughter.  
  • Heather Durham - Thanks for all of your help getting rooms reserved and remembering things that I didn't even think of and would've been upset if they were missed.
  • To the crew for your hours of work behind the scenes to make this show possible.
  • April Graves - thanks for the use of your room and for your artistic help with this production.  
  • For the amazing maintenance team at Rockford First/Christian Life.  You keep this place running. I especially need to thank Giovanni for being my Saturday morning go to guy.
  • To our fantastic administration - Mark Perry, Mike Hoekstra and Carrie Smith for all of their support and encouragement.  Not every school has leaders who believe in the arts.  I do not take for granted for even one moment that you do.
  • Emily and Sam - thanks for putting up with me when I'm in crazy overload mode.  I know it cannot be easy having your mom be your teacher and director.  I love you both.
  • To my husband Dan, I don't even know how to begin.  Your constant love and support for the last 20 years take my breath away.  When it comes to production time, you amaze me with all of the ways that you help.  From grocery shopping and keeping the house in order when I can't even keep my thoughts in order to helping me to make the vision of the sets into reality - there really isn't anything that you don't do.  Saying thank you cannot even begin to be enough, but I am grateful that God blessed me with a lifetime with you to be able to help and support you in the same way.


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