The Wizard Of Oz (Young Performers Edition) - November 13 - November 14, 2015

Chesapeake Bay Middle School

 End Notes 

 We are extremely proud of this production.  The quality of the cast, crew and parent volunteers are outstanding.  A truly successful production however, involves more than what is present on stage.  It should not only be an artistic learning experience, but a personal one as well.  We are especially proud of the cooperation, mutual respect, the level of commitment, added responsibility, and the teamwork that has been demonstrated by everyone involved in this production.  These students have put egos aside and discovered that whether they had one line or fifty, were on or off stage, that everyone shares equally in the pride and success of such an accomplishment. 



To the Staff and Administration at CBMS, thank you for your continued support and encouragement of our program.  To our custodians- Thank you for helping us tear down our stage, for setting up our seating, and always being so supportive while we invade your space. A special thank you to Mr. Dunn, our principal, for volunteering your time and always supporting our drama program.  


To Mrs. Antochy, Mrs. Bell, and Mr. Wasnock.  We could not have made it through this production without your support and dedication.  Right from the beginning with auditions, teaching music, collecting paperwork, sound, lights, announcements and always being a helpful ear and a kind smile :)   


To our 8th graders.  It is always bittersweet to work with you on our last show.  To see how much each of you have grown over the past 2-3 years is incredible.  We hope that through your experience here at CBMS you have learned to appreciate and love the world of theatre.  We will truly miss your laughter, energy, positive attitudes, and most of all your HEART. Remember there is never a Star you cannot reach (throwback) and that Somewhere Over the Rainbow your dreams will come true! 


Finally, to all cast, crew, parent volunteers, staff, administration and especially our AUDIENCE, Remember “a heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others.”  




Ms. Bishoff & Ms. Turtzo




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