Our Newsies were able to “seize the day,” thanks to the help of many people.
Our choreography was top notch, thanks to Ms. Bristol Hibbert who spent countless hours with us. We learned how to dance, fight and of course “STRIKE!” Bristol also helped our Brigade to Sparkle and Shine! We love you!
Us Newsies would not have been able to sell “papes” or “strike” without our fearless leaders. Mr.Penner and Mrs.Barnaby, thank you again for helping us to bring this amazing show to life! Ms.Lauren Florida, you killed it as stage manager this year! We could not have done any of this without you!
Annika Awender, your Sante Fe and sunset paintings are just gorgeous! Thank you for adding your artistic talents to our show! Mrs.Emily Wilson, your headshots are stunning! Thank you for taking the time to do them! Ms.Melissa Bowman, thank you for once again taking on the task of creating our program. It is just beautiful!
To our STAGE NINJAS - Mrs.McGaffey, Landon Shimkus, Mike Ostlund, Angelina Miraka, Dalton Dey, Branna Browne-Risdon, Irina McGaffey, Ava Kaiser, Payton Rauton and Anabel Clarke - the show went off seamlessly thanks to all of your hard work backstage with sets, props, curtain, and many more tasks. You are all the best STAGE NINJAS anywhere!
Mrs.Walls and Bristol, thank you for all of your help with costumes and newsboy bags. Mr. and Mrs.Hatt, thank you for working with Fowlerville Community Theatre to allow us to borrow some set pieces and for building some for us! Aspen Jendrusik and Briana Pettit, your tech magic was incredible! All of our parents that helped out backstage and in the lobby, who provided baked goods and water, and got your Newsies to practice all the time - thank you for your time and dedication to our program. We also want to thank the Jane Tasch Theatre for allowing us to use your facility. We have loved being able to perform here!
Lastly, to our founders, Chuck and Shelley Stockwell, and the CSA District Administration and Staff, thank you for always being so supportive of our musical productions every year! We always feel loved and supported by all of you, and we are grateful for our CSA Family!