Dr. Rosa Atkins---Superintendent Charlottesville City Schools
Mr. James Henderson---Associate Superintendent Charlottesville City Schools
Mr. Edward Gillaspie ---Assistant Superintendent for Administration Services CCS
Dr. Eric Irizarry---Principal Charlottesville High School
Aaron Eichorst---Fine Arts Coordinator
Laura Thomas---CHS Fine Arts Department Chair
Dave Stipe---MLK Performing Arts Center Manager
Paul Rosner---MLK Performing Arts Center Assistant
Mr. Rod Durrer--AV Assistance
Mr. Kevin Martin---Bookkeeper & Principal's Assistant
Ms. Dianne Ewing---Administrative Assistant
Mr. Vest and Mr. Lee—CHS Custodian
General Parent Assistance
Mike Timmins--Rotating Stage Engineer
Kathy Holt--Scenic Design
Sarah Saton--Scenic Design
Jeff Holt-- Parent Carpenter
Harry Staton--Parent Carpenter
Bill Benzinger--Carpentry
Michelle Packer-- Pubicity Assitance
Ashley Gill--Painting Assistance
Beth Gehle---Costuming Coordinator
Lisa Inlow - Costuming
Anna Harrison - Costuming
Cathi Shefski---Costuming
Kathy Holt - Costuming
Organizing meals, tech and boosters:
Anna Harrison
Kathy Holt
Lori Shinseki
Food Contributions:
Elaine Alpern
Susan Bankowski
Sarah Brookeman
Jody Esselstyn
Sara Bon-Harper
Selene Evans
Beth Gehle
Ashley Gill
Shelomith Gonzalez
Anna Harrison
Deborah Hellman
Nancy Hopkins
Kathy Holt
Rebecca Lehnert
Christine Lindsay
Tracy MacDonald
Rachel Miller
Kristine Nelson
Miriam Picus
Sara Rimm-Kauffman
Saskia Santen
Cathi Schefski
Kristen Schlegel
Joy Schloemer
Lori Shinseki
Che Statos
Leslie Tanner
Sally Yang