Mary Poppins - April 12 - April 19, 2015

Charlotte High School



Every year there are so many people to whom we tip our hats and this year is no exception. The untertaking of Mary Poppins has been no small task to say the least and, at times, as with every production, seemed impossible. The following is a list of those who helped deliver the "spoonful of sugar" we needed to help make the task much easier and possible at all.


Janice Bockin: For stepping in and becoming an organizing machine and keeping Wendy sane. Thank you for your tireless commitment to everything from organizing events and concessions to painting!


Terri Morissey - Sloan: For becoming the main Box Office mom and cutting a gazillion brella-grams! Thank you also for the laughs!


Liz Tietsworth: For spending time in the Box Office ready and wiling to do whatever needed to be done from typing bios to organizing concessions!


Kathy Helgemo: For organizing feeding time at the zoo!


Michele Petro:For painting, and making thousands of spoonfuls of sugar!


Mr. John Bockin: For organizing the Box Office throughout the performance run!


June Hart: For being a Troupe 0922 mom at heart even though her own troupe 0922 members have since graduated and moved on to new adventures. Thank you for the headshots!


Lisa Bodnar:For running errands!


Fred Anderson: For never failing to amaze us with his inventions!


Chris Smith, Brian Hallman and Dustin Petro: For being rescue builders!


Derrek Reams: For set construction planning and building!


Sue's Sewers: For stepping up to make sure everyone's costumes fit just right!


In addition, major thanks and appreciation goes to the Troupe 0922 Moms and Dads who have lent a helping hand, who committ to making sure their kids are at rehearsals and who make sure we are well taken care of!


 Our graditude also extends to:


Mrs. Cathy Corsaletti and the Administration of Charlotte High School


Dr. Douglas Whitaker, Superintendent - Charlotte County Public Schools


Ellen Harvey, Fine Arts Curriculum and Instruction Specialist


Mr. Trey Jane and the custodial staff of Charlotte High School


Mr. Ken McCoog










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