Helen Campbell*
as Grace
Helen has been in 11 previous shows at Chap. Helen would like to thank her parents for supporting her through all the chaos, and she woud like to thank P for giving her this amazing opportunity. She would also like to thank the rest of the cast and all the technicians for working so hard to make the show as great as it is. The best piece of advice Helen has ever been given is to keep Monopoly Deal with her at all times...just in case. She gave that advice to herself, and it has been rather effective. The ability to grow money on trees has always seemed rather appealing to Helen.
Ryan Wagner*
as Berry
Ryan has been in 7 prior Chap shows. Ryan would like to thank his supportive family and friends who are always there to help him out when he gets a little stressed. He would also like to thank the amazing carpool group that drove him and his friends during his freshman and sophomore years! The best advice he ever got?: Ryan's mom taught Ryan to never go to a stranger’s car when offered him candy, even though Ryan loves candy. If Ryan could have any superpower, it would be flight!
Brett Potts*
as Roeder
Brett has been in 14 Chap shows (2 Freshmen/Sophomore, 10 Encore, 2 Main Stage). He would like to thank the audience for taking time to watch this amazing show. The best piece of advice Brett ever got was "He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right," (Confucius). Brett wishes he had the ability to read minds.
Riley McPherson*
as Markley
Riley has been in 5 other Chap shows. He would like to thank everyone that stood by him and supported him. Will Smith once said, “You want something? Go get it. Period.” Riley's superpower would be the power to control radioactivity.