Oklahoma! - March 14 - March 17, 2024

Central Regional High

   Crew and Orchestra Who's Who  

  • Emma Poggioli head shot

    Emma Poggioli

    Stage Manager

    Past Performances:


    HIgh School Musical, Beauty and the Beast, Everything I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Grease, James and the Giant Peach.


    Thank you to Ms. Rafferty for inspiring us to make this show the best that it can be. 

  • Basil Lapham head shot

    Basil Lapham

    Stage Manager

    Into the Woods, Willy Wonka, Peter and the Starcatcher, Godspell, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, Grease, James and the Giant Peach


    I’d like to thank Ms. Rafferty for pulling the stage crew together way better than I could. It feels more like family with you here!

  • Riley Sternik head shot

    Riley Sternik

    Stage Crew

  • Andrew Eak head shot

    Andrew Eak

    Prop Master

    Past Performances: Grease, James and the Giant Peach

      corn :)


  • Gianna Holly head shot

    Gianna Holly

    Stage Crew

    Past Performances: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Storytellers, Peter and the StarCatcher, Godspell, All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Grease

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